in the City (#xl8city) is a series of articles that looks at why translators
choose to work in a certain city. Since freelancers can essentially set up
anywhere in the world, the series seeks to find out what individual cities can
offer linguists, and features testimonies from a handful of translators about
how their city can motivate and inspire them in their work.
This article is all about Brussels, the capital of Belgium and
indeed Europe. Historically Dutch-speaking, the city today mostly speaks French
and is the seat of the European Commission, making Brussels a natural commune
for linguists. But what does the city offer translators other than waffles,
chocolate and beer?

First of all,
let’s get to know our contributors a bit better and meet the kind of people
that Brussels has cast its spell over.
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Despite its linguistic divides, Belgium is proud of unity. This 2011 demonstration was in protest at the potential separation of the country following a political stalemate in 2007 |
Emeline has been living in Brussels for three years, but
has been a freelance translator for six months. Born
and raised in a small village in the Province of Liège, in Wallonia, the
French-speaking part of Belgium, Emeline says she has always had itchy feet. “While
I have very fond memories of my childhood, I’ve always considered myself as a
citizen of the world, which was a state of mind that was very different from
the local mentality. I wanted to see more of what this world had to offer, to
discover new horizons. I knew right from the start that I would leave at some
point. When I entered the third year of my Bachelor, there was no question in
my mind: my Erasmus trip to Leicester, in the United Kingdom, would mark the
beginning of my journey.”
Raphaël, on the other hand, has been living in Brussels for eight
years, but he is also from a small village in Belgium, albeit in the German speaking part. “I went to university in Louvain-la-Neuve
which then had less than 10,000 inhabitants and some 30,000 students. Brussels
was only 30 km away but I never really got to know the city, it was all a bit
overwhelming at the time. After graduating in German and English philology, I
worked for a few months as an in-house translator in a small translation agency
back home before my career path led me into tourism. As representative of a
Luxembourgish tour operator, my work brought me to Tunisia, Corfu (Greece),
Egypt and Bulgaria.”
Now, even those
who don’t know Brussels very well can tell that the city’s a hotspot for
languages. For starters, it’s the capital of a country with three official
languages. It can’t just be the linguistic community that attracts translators
to Brussels, so how did it draw Emeline and Raphaël to it?
For Raphaël, it was love that
brought him to Brussels. “My then-girlfriend and now-wife and I decided the job
market was more promising in Belgium or Luxembourg than it was in Bulgaria
(where she is from). After several months of job hunting, a New Year’s Eve
celebration with some friends from university led to a job offer for the
position of a technical translator at an international translation and
communication agency.”
It must have been quite a shock for Raphaël,
having grown up in small village and worked largely in holiday resorts. So how
easy is it to assimilate in Brussels? “Although I
had never before lived in a bigger city, adaptation was easy enough and I
quickly discovered that I actually enjoy urban life a lot.”
“Something I really
like is the fact that my work’s offices are on the outskirts of Brussels and partially
surrounded by fields (although some people might even argue that Zaventem is
not actually part of Brussels, but that’s surreal Belgium with its linguistic
fights for you). This means that I can drive against the commuter traffic in
the morning heading out and the same in the evening when getting back home.
Additionally, when grabbing a sandwich at midday, you can go for a nice walk.”
As it goes, love played a factor in bringing Emeline to
Bruxelles. “Originally,
what motivated me to leave la cité
ardente (as my hometown, Liège, is sometimes called) was joining my husband
(who is Brussels born and bred) and starting an MA at the Université Libre de
Bruxelles. Besides the two decisive aspects explained above, Brussels is a city
that is so much more vibrant, dynamic and open-minded in terms of
multiculturalism (which is something that is very important to me) than the
city I originally come from. It offers many opportunities for those who are
willing to take them and allows you to meet people coming from all horizons due
to its massive migrant population.”
Now that they have
their feet firmly planted in the hoofdstad,
what do Emeline and Raphaël
love best about living and working in Brussels?
“I’m lucky enough to live in a great part
of Brussels – Forest,” says Emeline. “Its numerous parks make for refreshing
strolls, it is minutes away from the centre or from Flanders and some more
rural and isolated areas. But it is still urban enough to remind me that I live
in a big city.”
The Atomium has been a futuristic symbol of Brussels since the 1950s |
Do Emeline’s urban surroundings have any
effect on her work as a translator? “I love working in this urban environment
because the fast-paced atmosphere of a capital city suits my state of mind. You
always feel like something exciting is happening, and in fact, it’s true! There
are many opportunities for business owners and entrepreneurs to network
(seminars, conferences, co-working spaces, etc.) and many cultural events are
hosted each week.”
And Raphaël – what does he think the best part about the city is? “The buzz, the come and go makes me feel alive in a way that is good
for work, like my native rolling hills and green forests make me feel alive
when breezing and relaxing. Brussels is the “Capital of Europe” and at the same
time a village. It keeps this cosy town feeling while actually being a
cosmopolitan city, even if it isn’t on the same level as London, Paris or Rome.”
Indeed, Brussels isn’t as large as you
might think. The population of the Brussels Capital Region is just over a
million people, eight times smaller than London. Does this make it anymore less
diverse? No, says Raphaël. “Not only is it the
capital of a country which has three *official* languages and quite some
language related quarrels, it is also a place where you more often than not
hear people in the street in another that one of these three official languages
(and I’m being quite generous here because when you hear somebody speaking
German in Brussels, chances are slim it is one of the +/- 75,000 rare specimen
of German speaking Belgians). It is really easy to run into people speaking all
imaginable languages and start a discussion – great opportunities to train
one’s language skills.
So the city is a
hotbed for linguists. Being the seat of the European Commission and home to the
EU’s Directorate General for Translation, surely it’s a treasure chest for
translators in particular.
Unfortunately not, according to Emeline. “I find that
the translation industry is not very well represented here, and in Belgium in
general. This is unfortunate because after all, Brussels IS the heart of Europe
and is thus a hub for European organisations employing many translators. That’s
why I try to make things change from my tiny perspective and position, along
with colleague, Sara Colombo. We are hosting
TweetUps (@BxlTweetUp) in the city each month, which allow often isolated translators to meet,
have a cup of coffee or tea, share stories and experiences and have a good
laugh. It’s a wonderful occasion to network within your industry and to see
actual faces for a change!”
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Brussels is home to many European Union institutions |
But the Brussels TweetUp is now being taken
to the next level, as Emeline explains. “We are also hosting the BxlTweetUpLab,
a one-day event with presentations and a networking session. We realised the
gap between studies and the profession was huge and that sadly, things are not
really improving – students and new translators don't seem to be aware of the
power of social media for small business owners, for example. This example can
be seen as a detail, of course, but combined with other decisive aspects, they
can be quite game-changing.”
And what’s on the agenda for the BxlTweetUpLab?
“Sara will be speaking about blogging and social media, Raphaël will share some
technology tips that will improve productivity and I will talk about the
importance of networking. The topics are very diverse and might be considered
as underestimated topics of discussion – but we hope that everyone will find
what they're looking for and that they will discover new areas of interest.
This event is designed to be highly interactive, meaning that we also want the
attendees to take part in the presentations, sharing their experience and
opinion with us and other participants. We want it to be personal and to be
about them, not us.”
So Emeline, Sara and Raphaël are pulling
out all stops to turn things around for translators in Belgium. Nevertheless, Raphaël
still laments the lack of international industry
presence in Brussels. “As far as events related to the translation and
localisation business are concerned, there aren’t too many (if any)
international events in Brussels I am aware of, but there is a lot of promising
research happening on university level around machine translation for instance
(TExSIS from Ghent University and SCATE from Leuven University and so on).”
Thinking of where Belgium is located, you
have several neighbours where many different languages are spoken. Should this
not put Brussels at an advantage? “It is quite useful to be in the centre of
Europe, where Germany, France, Luxembourg, the UK or the Netherlands aren’t a
lot further than a one hour drive away,” Raphaël continues. “It brings events like Localization World or Tekom almost to your
doorstep. Another inspiring fact is that the world’s biggest translation
service, the DGT (Directorate General for Translation) of the European
Commission is located in Brussels. Members of the different European
institutions are constantly on the move to share their knowledge and experience
concerning the trade that matters so much to us. What better place could there
be than next to the source?”
Brussels may not
be the hub of freelance translation that I expected. But it must be doing
something right to keep Emeline and Raphaël there. So, why wouldn’t our
contributors give up the city for anywhere else?
And what about you, Emeline?
"I would say that Brussels is the perfect
city for people who like being active and who like living in a multicultural
environment (which I’m sure, as translators, we all love, don’t we?)." In fact, Emeline recently shared about her 7 favourite facts about Brussels.
Next week, Translator in the City will
be heading almost 6,000 miles west, across the Atlantic, to San Diego, featuring Maryam Abdi (@Maryam_Abdi), Rafa Lombardino (@eWordNews) and Juan Dávila-Santiago (@jdavisan).
… and if someone would like to have a nice soundtrack while reading, Jacques Brel has a very nice song about Brussels: http://youtu.be/oHiy2OWQvPY