Saturday, 29 March 2014

Translators in the City: Part 5 - San Diego


Translators in the City (#xl8city) is a series of articles that looks at why translators choose to work in a certain city. Since freelancers can essentially set up anywhere in the world, the series seeks to find out what individual cities can offer linguists, and features testimonies from a handful of translators about how their city can motivate and inspire them in their work.

Maryam Kosar Abdi (@Maryam_Abdi) is a Court registered Somali interpreter, freelance translator, and founder of Translators Academy. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego. Maryam is a recipient of the State Bar of California Wiley W. Manuel award for pro bono legal services.

Juan Dávila-Santiago (@jdavisan) is a court interpreter certified by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and an ATA-certified translator from English into Spanish. A native of Puerto Rico, Juan has worked as a court, conference, and live broadcast interpreter. After obtaining a master’s degree in bilingual legal interpreting, he became a staff interpreter in Phoenix, Arizona, before accepting a similar position in San Diego.

Rafa Lombardino (@eWordNews) is a certified translator working with English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian since 1997. Originally from Santos in São Paulo, Brazil, Rafa moved to Santee, in San Diego County, in 2002.

Translators in the City seeks to uncover the core reasons why freelance linguists would choose to settle in a certain place. To my mind, it would have to take something really special, especially in a country as diverse as the United States, to attract freelancers to a specific city.

Maryam went to the University of California in San Diego, and stayed in the city after graduation. San Diego isn’t her only base, though. “I also work in Los Angeles and Orange County, but I chose to stay in San Diego because of the quality of life. Although it’s a big city, it’s not as busy as Los Angeles.”

Rafa moved to San Diego to live with her husband, who is from the city. “I had already been working as a translator to support myself through journalism school, so it was easy to continue my activities in a new place. That's the magic of this occupation; if you're a translator, you can work anywhere with a computer and internet connection.”

As for Juan, it was his job as a staff interpreter that brought him to San Diego. But he wonders whether it was more than work that lured him to the city. “Is it the nearly perfect weather we get to enjoy year-round or is it the vast array of educational and entertainment options we have right on our doorstep? Maybe it is because we can venture up the mountains to play in the snow on a cold winter morning, and then drive back to catch a wave before hitting a hip restaurant for dinner—all on the same day!”

As someone who has never been to California, I imagine it would be an ideal place for a translator to set up in. But what else apart from the weather entices translators and interpreters?

Parkland in West Hills, suburban San Diego.
Not a bad place to escape to from the office,
Rafa loves the technological benefits of living where she does. “I enjoy working in California because of the infrastructure, as far as computers are concerned. It's easy to find parts to fix your computer and be up and running in no time. There's always a technology company nearby, especially in Silicon Valley. We also have access to a high-speed, business-grade internet connection. High-speed internet should be a given for translators these days, but it seems connections in California are a cut above the rest.”

As much as Juan loves the city he has called home for five years, there are some downsides, he says. “San Diego is no stranger to wildfires, droughts, and earthquakes. More importantly, if you are familiar with the infamous “sunshine tax,” you probably know that all that desirability comes at a price. At 31.9 percent more than the U.S. average, San Diego has the ninth highest cost of living in the United States. According to 2012 data, moderate-income families in San Diego County spend, on average, 63 percent of their income on housing and transportation, which is more than in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Boston. Not surprisingly, recent surveys indicate that more people left San Diego in 2013 than moved in.”

But San Diego must be doing something right to keep freelancers there. What do its surroundings offer that inspire translators in their work?

The San Diego Hall of Justice,
with the city's tallest building,
One America Plaza, to the far left.
“Working in an urban city has motivated me to start and run a thriving freelance translation business,” says Maryam. “On a professional level, San Diego is a great city to work in because it inspires individuals to challenge themselves and keep up with fast pace of the city. On a personal level there are many activities and fulfilling things to do so boredom is not an issue. The weather in San Diego is warm throughout the year. I find it inspiring to work by the beach at one of the local coffee shops in Pacific Beach. I believe our surroundings influence our outlook on life and work, so I try to work outside of the house often.”

There is more to San Diego’s climate than the obvious advantage, as Juan explains. “Our forgiving weather also allows for increased peace of mind, like knowing that you are not likely to lose power to a severe thunderstorm right before a big deadline or that your cross-country flight is not likely to get cancelled the day before an interpreting assignment. Anyone who is regularly held hostage by severe weather systems knows that a predictable, hassle-free commute is priceless when your assignment is a two-hour drive away or when you spend a good part of your day driving or walking back and forth between court hearings and jail interviews.”

For Rafa, it’s San Diego’s offer of rest and relaxation that she appreciates. “Since this is truly a fast-paced and demanding industry, I believe language professionals deserve a break ever-so-often to recharge their batteries and give their brain a rest. The San Diego area has many beaches and parks to offer inspiration, and a nice stroll can sometimes help you come up with the word or expression you've been looking for and that no dictionary will really help you find in just a glance. Living in Santee, I get to enjoy a very nice park around the lakes, go for long runs in pedestrian-friendly roads and enjoy the view of the West Hills behind my house when I'm taking a break from work. Still, I'll always long for the beach in my hometown, and nowadays find myself working hard in Santee to enjoy those breaks back in Santos.”

With California being one of the most cosmopolitan states in the US, does this translate into a strong multilingual community in San Diego that translators and interpreters can benefit from?

“California is truly an international hub, and demand for language services is always high,” says Rafa. “Even though translators work mostly online, we do want to interact with colleagues once in a while and learn from their experiences face-to-face as well. The cultural diversity here allows you to do just that and get to know translators who have a different background and deal with segments and fields that you may virtually know nothing about.”

San Diego, USA and Tijuana, Mexico are often
talked about as a single urban area
For Juan, the city’s proximity to Mexico, with the border less than 20 miles from downtown San Diego, also expands the professional development options available to linguists. “This opens up a world of possibilities for providers interested in either receiving or offering continuing education south of the border. Being so close to a country where the overwhelming majority of the population speaks one of your working languages also allows for easier access to subject matter experts, trainers, professors, and fellow linguists.”

Indeed, it is not entirely surprising to hear some people talk about San Diego and Tijuana as a single metropolitan area, explains Juan. Unfortunately, it isn’t that straightforward. “In spite of this seemingly porous (yet heavily monitored) boundary line, there is no escaping the fact that border-related tensions shape multiple aspects of life in San Diego, including the work done by many language providers. The caseload handled by federal court interpreters in this region, for instance, is almost entirely composed of border crimes such as alien or drug smuggling and illegal re-entry by previously deported aliens [immigrants].”

This must be a fascinating situation in linguistic terms, though, and certainly incomparable to anywhere in Western Europe that I can think of.

Life along the border does have a direct impact on our city’s linguistic environment,” Juan continues. “The long-standing, dynamic influx of non-English speakers into San Diego has turned it into a veritable language lab. You will hear English coexist (and often collide) with Spanish and other languages nearly everywhere you go: from shopping malls, entertainment venues, and restaurants to buses, hospitals, and government agencies. Being exposed to language as used in this region is not only beneficial to translators and interpreters with limited knowledge of border culture, but also particularly important for Spanish interpreters who grew up in a country other than Mexico — as is my case: San Diego is an urban classroom where every outing becomes a learning experience.”

It isn’t just a fusion of English and Spanish that people in San Diego can enjoy. The city’s linguistic situation is much deeper than that.

“Not everybody is fully aware of the linguistic diversity that San Diegans get to enjoy,” Juan maintains. “While Spanish has been present in this area for centuries, many other languages also make their way into the United States through our city. Mexico alone is home to nearly 70 indigenous languages, some of which are the only language spoken by many immigrants who come across the border. Additionally, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) resettles more than 1,000 refugees per year in the San Diego area through a partnership with the U.S. Department of State. As these immigrants and refugees come into contact with health care providers, immigration authorities, and law enforcement, it becomes essential to have qualified language practitioners available in multiple settings.”
San Diego Courthouse, where many of the city's
public interpreters spend much of their working time
We would hope then that San Diego’s linguistic diversity would put it in good stead to offer a robust portfolio of translation and interpreting courses and events. Is this the case?

“There are many continuing education programs in San Diego,” Maryam clarifies. “The city has the University of California, San Diego Extension translation program for anyone interested in getting a certificate in translation or interpretation. Interpreters and translators can join professional associations such as the California Federation of Interpreters (CFI) and the Association of Translators and Interpreters in the San Diego Area (ATISDA).”

Readers in the U.S. will remember that the annual American Translators Association conference was held in San Diego in 2012. Is this a one-off or does San Diego play host to translation events often? “There are many events and conferences held here since it’s an ideal location for many translators and interpreters. It’s a great place to mix business and pleasure and plan a vacation around work related events.”

Let’s wrap up with some final reflections from our contributors. Why do they think San Diego is simply a world-class city for translators?

“San Diego is a great city for translators to start their freelance translation business,” Maryam thinks. “The opportunities are limitless and the demand for translation services has increased over the years due to the growth of the limited English proficient population. There are over 150 languages spoken in the city and it has the busiest international border. The proximity to Los Angeles and Orange County also gives freelance translators the chance to get more business.”

Juan also paints San Diego in a good light for those thinking of starting up in the city. “In spite of the challenges that places like San Diego are bound to encounter, I believe this city offers a highly unique set of opportunities for language professionals. Even doing business here is appealing when you consider that Forbes magazine just picked San Diego as the best U.S. city to launch a startup in 2014, which should set the business-minded linguist at ease. Thanks to San Diego’s cultural diversity, multiple training options, and steady market for language services, working here as a translator and interpreter is truly a blessing. Oh, and the weather helps, too.”

Next week marks the final post of Translators in the City. The series reaches its climax and heads over to the eccentric city of Barcelona, with Judit Izcara (@dramacanpatatas), Simon Berrill (FB: SJB Translations) and Maia Figueroa (@maia_figueroa).

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Translators in the City: Part 4 - Brussels

Translators in the City (#xl8city) is a series of articles that looks at why translators choose to work in a certain city. Since freelancers can essentially set up anywhere in the world, the series seeks to find out what individual cities can offer linguists, and features testimonies from a handful of translators about how their city can motivate and inspire them in their work.

This article is all about Brussels, the capital of Belgium and indeed Europe. Historically Dutch-speaking, the city today mostly speaks French and is the seat of the European Commission, making Brussels a natural commune for linguists. But what does the city offer translators other than waffles, chocolate and beer?

Emeline Jamoul (@EmelineJamoul) is an English and Spanish into French translator, specialising in marketing, business, IT and medical, and is also familiar with Dutch and Arabic. Emeline has run In Touch Translations since 2013 and in the same year organised an International Translation Day 2013 project to raise awareness about the state of translation and to increase the pride of fellow translators in what they do.

Raphaël Toussaint (@Muelleflupp) works as a Linguistic Services Supervisor for an international communications company in Brussels. Starting out as a translator and language analyst, his role now includes organising linguistic support services, supervising a team of linguists, and managing translation memories and termbases. A native speaker of German, Raphaël’s other languages are French, English, Dutch, Luxembourgish and Bulgarian.

First of all, let’s get to know our contributors a bit better and meet the kind of people that Brussels has cast its spell over.

Despite its linguistic divides, Belgium is proud of unity.
This 2011 demonstration was in protest at the potential
separation of the country following a political stalemate
in 2007
Emeline has been living in Brussels for three years, but has been a freelance translator for six months. Born and raised in a small village in the Province of Liège, in Wallonia, the French-speaking part of Belgium, Emeline says she has always had itchy feet. “While I have very fond memories of my childhood, I’ve always considered myself as a citizen of the world, which was a state of mind that was very different from the local mentality. I wanted to see more of what this world had to offer, to discover new horizons. I knew right from the start that I would leave at some point. When I entered the third year of my Bachelor, there was no question in my mind: my Erasmus trip to Leicester, in the United Kingdom, would mark the beginning of my journey.”

Raphaël, on the other hand, has been living in Brussels for eight years, but he is also from a small village in Belgium, albeit in the German speaking part. “I went to university in Louvain-la-Neuve which then had less than 10,000 inhabitants and some 30,000 students. Brussels was only 30 km away but I never really got to know the city, it was all a bit overwhelming at the time. After graduating in German and English philology, I worked for a few months as an in-house translator in a small translation agency back home before my career path led me into tourism. As representative of a Luxembourgish tour operator, my work brought me to Tunisia, Corfu (Greece), Egypt and Bulgaria.”

Now, even those who don’t know Brussels very well can tell that the city’s a hotspot for languages. For starters, it’s the capital of a country with three official languages. It can’t just be the linguistic community that attracts translators to Brussels, so how did it draw Emeline and Raphaël to it?

For Raphaël, it was love that brought him to Brussels. “My then-girlfriend and now-wife and I decided the job market was more promising in Belgium or Luxembourg than it was in Bulgaria (where she is from). After several months of job hunting, a New Year’s Eve celebration with some friends from university led to a job offer for the position of a technical translator at an international translation and communication agency.”

It must have been quite a shock for Raphaël, having grown up in small village and worked largely in holiday resorts. So how easy is it to assimilate in Brussels? “Although I had never before lived in a bigger city, adaptation was easy enough and I quickly discovered that I actually enjoy urban life a lot.

Something I really like is the fact that my work’s offices are on the outskirts of Brussels and partially surrounded by fields (although some people might even argue that Zaventem is not actually part of Brussels, but that’s surreal Belgium with its linguistic fights for you). This means that I can drive against the commuter traffic in the morning heading out and the same in the evening when getting back home. Additionally, when grabbing a sandwich at midday, you can go for a nice walk.”

As it goes, love played a factor in bringing Emeline to Bruxelles.Originally, what motivated me to leave la cité ardente (as my hometown, Liège, is sometimes called) was joining my husband (who is Brussels born and bred) and starting an MA at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Besides the two decisive aspects explained above, Brussels is a city that is so much more vibrant, dynamic and open-minded in terms of multiculturalism (which is something that is very important to me) than the city I originally come from. It offers many opportunities for those who are willing to take them and allows you to meet people coming from all horizons due to its massive migrant population.”

Now that they have their feet firmly planted in the hoofdstad, what do Emeline and Raphaël love best about living and working in Brussels?

“I’m lucky enough to live in a great part of Brussels – Forest,” says Emeline. “Its numerous parks make for refreshing strolls, it is minutes away from the centre or from Flanders and some more rural and isolated areas. But it is still urban enough to remind me that I live in a big city.”
The Atomium has been a futuristic
symbol of Brussels since the 1950s

Do Emeline’s urban surroundings have any effect on her work as a translator? “I love working in this urban environment because the fast-paced atmosphere of a capital city suits my state of mind. You always feel like something exciting is happening, and in fact, it’s true! There are many opportunities for business owners and entrepreneurs to network (seminars, conferences, co-working spaces, etc.) and many cultural events are hosted each week.” 

And Raphaël – what does he think the best part about the city is? “The buzz, the come and go makes me feel alive in a way that is good for work, like my native rolling hills and green forests make me feel alive when breezing and relaxing. Brussels is the “Capital of Europe” and at the same time a village. It keeps this cosy town feeling while actually being a cosmopolitan city, even if it isn’t on the same level as London, Paris or Rome.”

Indeed, Brussels isn’t as large as you might think. The population of the Brussels Capital Region is just over a million people, eight times smaller than London. Does this make it anymore less diverse? No, says Raphaël. “Not only is it the capital of a country which has three *official* languages and quite some language related quarrels, it is also a place where you more often than not hear people in the street in another that one of these three official languages (and I’m being quite generous here because when you hear somebody speaking German in Brussels, chances are slim it is one of the +/- 75,000 rare specimen of German speaking Belgians). It is really easy to run into people speaking all imaginable languages and start a discussion – great opportunities to train one’s language skills.

So the city is a hotbed for linguists. Being the seat of the European Commission and home to the EU’s Directorate General for Translation, surely it’s a treasure chest for translators in particular.

Unfortunately not, according to Emeline. “I find that the translation industry is not very well represented here, and in Belgium in general. This is unfortunate because after all, Brussels IS the heart of Europe and is thus a hub for European organisations employing many translators. That’s why I try to make things change from my tiny perspective and position, along with colleague, Sara Colombo. We are hosting TweetUps (@BxlTweetUp) in the city each month, which allow often isolated translators to meet, have a cup of coffee or tea, share stories and experiences and have a good laugh. It’s a wonderful occasion to network within your industry and to see actual faces for a change!”

Brussels is home to many European Union institutions
But the Brussels TweetUp is now being taken to the next level, as Emeline explains. “We are also hosting the BxlTweetUpLab, a one-day event with presentations and a networking session. We realised the gap between studies and the profession was huge and that sadly, things are not really improving – students and new translators don't seem to be aware of the power of social media for small business owners, for example. This example can be seen as a detail, of course, but combined with other decisive aspects, they can be quite game-changing.”

And what’s on the agenda for the BxlTweetUpLab? “Sara will be speaking about blogging and social media, Raphaël will share some technology tips that will improve productivity and I will talk about the importance of networking. The topics are very diverse and might be considered as underestimated topics of discussion – but we hope that everyone will find what they're looking for and that they will discover new areas of interest. This event is designed to be highly interactive, meaning that we also want the attendees to take part in the presentations, sharing their experience and opinion with us and other participants. We want it to be personal and to be about them, not us.”

So Emeline, Sara and Raphaël are pulling out all stops to turn things around for translators in Belgium. Nevertheless, Raphaël still laments the lack of international industry presence in Brussels. “As far as events related to the translation and localisation business are concerned, there aren’t too many (if any) international events in Brussels I am aware of, but there is a lot of promising research happening on university level around machine translation for instance (TExSIS from Ghent University and SCATE from Leuven University and so on).”

Thinking of where Belgium is located, you have several neighbours where many different languages are spoken. Should this not put Brussels at an advantage? “It is quite useful to be in the centre of Europe, where Germany, France, Luxembourg, the UK or the Netherlands aren’t a lot further than a one hour drive away,” Raphaël continues. “It brings events like Localization World or Tekom almost to your doorstep. Another inspiring fact is that the world’s biggest translation service, the DGT (Directorate General for Translation) of the European Commission is located in Brussels. Members of the different European institutions are constantly on the move to share their knowledge and experience concerning the trade that matters so much to us. What better place could there be than next to the source?”

Brussels may not be the hub of freelance translation that I expected. But it must be doing something right to keep Emeline and Raphaël there. So, why wouldn’t our contributors give up the city for anywhere else?

“Because it has the most beautiful town square in the world,” says Raphaël. “Because its natives are constantly squabbling about language issues, but in the streets you will hear any imaginable language spoken. Because being bi- or multilingual is considered normal. Because one of its attractions is a little peeing boy (the Manneken Pis - right). Because it is home of the bar with the most beers in the world (Delirium Café, over 2000 different beers) and I like beer. And because it is where I live with my lovely wife and my beautiful daughter, so it’s just perfect.”

And what about you, Emeline?

"I would say that Brussels is the perfect city for people who like being active and who like living in a multicultural environment (which I’m sure, as translators, we all love, don’t we?)." In fact, Emeline recently shared about her 7 favourite facts about Brussels.

Next week, Translator in the City will be heading almost 6,000 miles west, across the Atlantic, to San Diego, featuring Maryam Abdi (@Maryam_Abdi), Rafa Lombardino (@eWordNews) and Juan Dávila-Santiago (@jdavisan).

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Translators in the City: Part 3 - Madrid

Translators in the City (#xl8city) is a series of articles that looks at why translators choose to work in a certain city. Since freelancers can essentially set up anywhere in the world, the series seeks to find out what individual cities can offer linguists, and features testimonies from a handful of translators about how their city can motivate and inspire them in their work.

This week, it’s Madrid, capital of Spain and third-largest city in the EU. Known for its abundance of public squares and architecture shaped by its monarchist history, Madrid’s translators can escape their desks for a stroll along the bustling Gran Vía or absorb the alternative culture in the Malasaña area, the city’s answer to London’s Camden Town. But what do our madrileño colleagues think of their city?

Sara Bueno Carrero (@buenocarrero) has been working as an English, French and Portuguese into Spanish translator since 2011, specialising in creative translation and localisation. To fund her book-buying addiction, she also specialises in not-so-lucrative legal and sworn translation. She writes a blog, La traductora en apuros, where she helps new graduates find their place in the world of freelance translation.

Herminia Páez Prado (@traducinando) is an English and French into Spanish audiovisual translator. Having studied in Barcelona, she moved back to Madrid to work as a freelancer. She is still starting out in the freelance world and recently discovered the joys of working in her PJs.

Lourdes Yagüe (@LYLtraductora) has been an English and French into Spanish translator since 2010. Starting out as an in-house translator, Lourdes went freelance in 2013. Since 2008, she has also been involved in a dance academy that organises festivals every year with the choreography learned during the year, as well as flash mobs to spice up the streets of Madrid.

Ana Rubio (@meowTRAD) is a translator and proofreader working on video games, mobile apps and web localisation. Born in Extremadura on the Portuguese border, she has been living in Madrid since 2008. In 2010, she started running meowTRAD. Ana loves The Simpsons and is interested in gamification, music, social networks and serious games.

Translators in the City aims to gather points of view from translators who were both born and have moved to a certain city. So, let’s first find out what connection our four translators have with Madrid.

Plaza Santa Cruz
Sara was born in Madrid and has been living there for her entire life. What’s kept her there? “With the current bad economy in Spain, most of my family and friends have asked me why I haven't moved abroad yet. My answer is always the same: I am a freelancer, I can work anywhere in the world and I choose to work in Madrid. It's true that the tax system for freelancers in Spain is unfair - we pay a lot of taxes and we get nothing - but every country has its pros and cons and I believe that living in Madrid is the best choice I can make.”

Herminia has a lot of love for the region too. “I work in a small city 15 minutes away until I take off as a freelancer and earn enough to live in the city centre. I have been living in Madrid on and off for the past 20 years, and I consider myself in love with the city, having also lived in Paris and Barcelona.”

As for Ana, who studied in Granada, it was Madrid’s industry opportunities that attracted her. “I wanted to continue studying video games, CAT tools and management. I found a postgraduate course in Madrid that I could easily take while working part-time.” Although she found it daunting being in the capital at first, things turned out better than expected. “Fortunately, adapting to Madrid was so easy; people were friendly and made me feel at home from the very beginning. I met many professional translators and realised we are not alone.”

Lourdes, a Madrid native, thought that staying in the city was down to pure laziness, but she’s realised why the city means so much to her. “It’s basically down to my loved ones, comfort and quality of life and, finally, the advantages of being in the nation's capital. Most of us at some point have felt the need to go abroad or to spread our wings. I was on Erasmus in Finland and also spent a year in France as a language assistant. And although I really enjoyed those experiences, I must admit that part of me has always had my mind set on Spain, longing to return. Because my family, my friends, my boyfriend – essentially my whole life – are here.”

What is it about Madrid that motivates a freelancer? How can they use their urban surroundings to power through the day?

Templo de Debod
 “In Madrid you can find the small town feel in some parts, the busyness of the business city in another one, and also the movement, youth and freshness of cities like Barcelona in others,” Herminia exclaims. “You can also find peace and calmness, either with great views like Debod temple, just 10 minutes away by foot from Gran Vía, or in parks like El Campo del Moro, a Versailles-like garden near Príncipe Pío station.”

Ana lives and works right in the heart of the city, near Atocha, Madrid’s principal railway station. “I can easily take a walk to El Retiro or Madrid Río parks. I take walks every day, I try to do sports, be active and go out. When it comes to traffic, I should say Madrid is a bit chaotic. Biking is not easy in the city centre and we don't have a public cycle hire service or 
Parque del Retiro in the snow
special routes for bikes.”

Sara lives just a touch outside of central Madrid, but right opposite the River Manzanares. Living in a 7th floor flat, she appreciates the views of the rooftops and domes of the city centre, but this life isn’t set too last long, though. “I'm planning to move soon to a flat somewhere in the Old Town - I love that area because it's so bohemian and cultural, traditional yet modern, home to actors, writers, musicians and artists. I feel that's where I belong - after all, translation is an art form.”

With Madrid being such a large city, you’d imagine that there are plenty of corners you can escape to, whether to work in different surroundings or for a change of scenery and some R&R. What kind of places in Madrid can serve as sources of inspiration?

“Madrid is a city of contrasts,” according to Lourdes, “and I have the good fortune to live in a privileged environment where you can enjoy the best of the city and the best of the country as well. I live next to Dehesa de la Villa, a beautiful park bordering the north-west of Madrid. It’s a place where I can find peace and quiet and that helps me through times of stress. What I like the most is how it inspires me; many of the ideas that came to me in 2013 were while running in the Dehesa.”

Parque Dehesa de la Villa
Does the city have any more hidden gems? Ana tells us, “There are a few special and inspiring places in Madrid that tourists normally don't visit: Cerro del Tío Pío (a park with seven slopes where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the city), Templo de Debod (an Egyptian temple) and during spring and summer many roof terraces are open and you can have a drink or just relax a bit there.”

Madrid sounds like an urban paradise. But what does it offer for translators in particular?

“For starters, there are several universities where you can study for your degree: Universidad Complutense, Universidad Autónoma, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Alfonso X El Sabio, and so on, and there are many institutions offering specialised courses,” explains Lourdes.

La Biblioteca Nacional
“Universities are also very active when it comes to organising conferences and events on translation and linguistics,” Sara adds. “But my favourite event is the yearly Book Fair, which takes place every late May and early June (and which coincides with my birthday!) for two weeks in Retiro Park. How couldn't I love it?”

Even if you’re not a translator but just interested in languages, Herminia says that Madrid offers multiple possibilities to learn and practise different languages. “You can find language lessons even for rare languages, and even if you don't want to spend much on that, you can also visit one of the pubs where there are weekly free language exchanges, free music or shows in other languages.”

But Madrid also offers something rather unique, as Ana describes. “Public libraries work fine but there are a few bibliometros.” These are free mini-libraries situated in around a dozen Madrid Metro stations. What a fantastic idea – perfect for the translator on the go.

With so much to offer translators, Madrid must surely be a hub for translation events, no?

“There are national and international events every year in Madrid,” Ana points out. “Many of them are organised by companies, translation platforms, universities and learning centres. Networking is easy since we have quite a lot of bars, restaurants and dining options. A few years ago we started organising an open event for translators who use Twitter (#tratuimad).”

"Gris y feo" Madrid
“Last year we had (among others) the first edition of TraduEmprende, ProZ regional event and, the first edition of Lenguando,” Lourdes highlights. “All these meetings are really beneficial for everyone because they give us the opportunity to relate to each other and put faces and voices to so many people you only know on Twitter or by email.”

Herminia agrees. “When you talk about Madrid and translation events, you can't complain. If you want to improve in any of your areas of expertise, Madrid can also help you with that. There are plenty of different translation or linguistic-focused centres around the city where you can improve skills such as proofreading, writing, audiovisual translation, localisation and many others.”

“And when meet-ups like these are held in any other city in Spain, it wouldn’t be a big problem because Madrid is very well connected,” Lourdes goes on. “Connections from Madrid are very fast and comfortable because here we have more of a variety of public transport. It’s easy to get to any city and not only because it’s the capital, but because it’s the geographical centre of the country.”

To try and really bring out our contributors’ passion for their city, there is one question in particular that I’ve liked to ask them: what makes your city better than any other to work from as a translator?

Sara is very humble about Madrid. “I wouldn't dare to say that my city is the best for translators to set up - but indeed it's my ideal city. Also I believe that big cities, and that includes Madrid, are the best for translators of any field of expertise: they're home to publishing houses, international businesses, trade fairs, etc. And Madrid isn't lacking any of those.”

Like many capital's, Madrid has an
iconic metro system
Equally, Ana has good arguments against living somewhere a bit smaller. “Many people prefer to set up in smaller cities because they have a "biased" opinion about Madrid. Renting a flat is not as cheap as in a smaller town, but you have many neighbourhoods which are quite similar to smaller cities. They have farmer markets, little shops, restaurants, gyms and people are quite nice. Transport is a positive point as well since there are trains, buses and planes that connect you with many cities in the world.” Or a bit farther north. “The climate tends to be better than in northern countries and we have more sunny days and therefore can enjoy more outdoor activities.”

Puerta de Atocha station
And to tip the scales, Lourdes argues for Madrid’s leisure and entertainment opportunities. “It’s not all about work, right? Gran Vía is full of cinemas and theatres and I can’t go without mentioning the beer and tapas bars. Because here in Madrid (and Spain in general), we love to meet with other people over a beer to relieve tension after work or on the weekend.”

Next week, Translators in the City is hosted by Brussels, the ‘capital of Europe’. With Emeline Jamoul (@EmelineJamoul) and Raphaël Toussaint (@Muelleflupp).

All photos contained in this article are property of the respective contributor.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Translators in the City: Part 2 - London

Translators in the City (#xl8city) is a series of articles that looks at why translators choose to work in a certain city. Since freelancers can essentially set up anywhere in the world, the series seeks to find out what individual cities can offer linguists, and features testimonies from a handful of translators about how their city can motivate and inspire them in their work.

This post features London, cosmopolitan capital of the United Kingdom and a global mecca for culture. There are few other cities in the world that can compete for a translator’s attention, so how does London do it?

Natalie Pearlman (@Nat_translator) is from Hertfordshire, just outside of north-west London and studied French & Hispanic Studies. She has studied in Argentina and Brazil, preceded by a couple of months spent at a language school in Paris. Natalie also studied for the Technical and Specialised Translation Master's at the University of Westminster. She now works full-time as Head of Translation and Localisation for a serviced offices company, based in north London.

Sílvia Slocombe (@LanguageOwl) is an English into Portuguese translator. Born near Lisbon, Portugal, she studied English and German Languages and Literature as well as translation at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, including a semester at the Universität zu Köln. After moving to London in 2007 and working as an in-house translator for three different companies, she obtained the IoL Diploma in Translation, finally taking the plunge into freelance translation in February 2012. A member of the CIoL, Sílvia now specialises in translations on gambling, sports and poker. 

Ana Sánchez (@astratrans) is an English into Spanish translator from Vigo, in northwestern Spain, and has been living in London since 1997, now running Astra Translations. She has a Master’s in Bilingual Translation from the University of Westminster and specialises in Business, Finance and Public Services. She is a member of the IAPTI and an Associate member of ITI and the CIoL. She is married to an Australian and has two children.

Valeria Aliperta (@rainylondon) is an interpreter and translator working with Italian, Spanish, English and French, trading as Rainy London Translations. She has been working in London since 2011 on a regular basis. Val is a member of the CIoL, IAPTI and Asetrad, and an Associate of ITI. She also jointly runs The Freelance Box, which holds small workshops for translators.

London is full of translators. This is surprising in a way, because freelancers can set up anywhere they like, with some retreating to the rural Cumbria or the Scottish Highlands. Then again, translators may want to be in the middle of it all as much as anyone else. So, what is it that translators find so enticing about London?

“I’d wanted to live in Great Britain since I was twelve years old, when I read a book about British and Scottish culture,” says Sílvia. “After visiting as a tourist I completely fell in love with the culture, the romance and the history, and so when the time was right I moved to England. I come from Lisbon, a culturally rich city, but my heart was set on the UK. I love the open mentality and variety of London. Here you can dare to be whoever you want to be and there’s a place for everyone, regardless of your quirks, style, beliefs or opinions.”

For Ana too, it was Anglophone culture that attracted her. “Since I was little girl, I was always fascinated by the English language and I used to spend hours in my room listening to Bruce Springsteen, among others, and trying to translate his lyrics into Spanish. When I was 20, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to spend a summer in New York with family who were living there at the time. From that moment I was hooked on living in an English-speaking country. I realised that moving to London would offer me similar opportunities but much closer to home if things didn't work out.”

When it came to picking a city, Valeria found herself torn. How did London win her over? “When I first had a choice between going to Madrid or London for my Leonardo programme, I was torn. I loved Spain - I still think is my second home - but I was in need of detoxing a bit and improving my English, having never lived in the UK for a while before. So that was it, I moved there and I fell in love. When it came to moving for good, it was Devon that became my home for a whopping 4 years… but my heart had been set on the Big Smoke since 2005.”

A native of London, Natalie was after an in-house position, and found London the ideal place to look for one. She worked using her languages for a few companies in London before settling in her current position in the suburbs. “I became aware of the positions available within translation companies, as well as non-translation companies. So, while I do take on freelance translation and proofreading work when I can, I actually work full-time as Head of Translation and Localisation for a serviced offices company, based in north London.”

London has beaten some serious international competition in attracting our four freelance translators. Now after having enticed them to build their careers there, has London lived up to its promise and been a source of inspiration as expected?

A collection of London skyscrapers, including the
affectionately-known Gherkin building in the centre,
taken by Valeria
Val loves her urban surroundings and paradoxically finds working solo very stressful. “I hate too much silence and quiet (not a countryside person, moi) so I need my hustle and bustle to feel alive. And in London, there’s so much variety: unlike other cities, that have a more definite style all over, London has a different corner every mile you go.

I love meeting for business in the small coffee shops in Covent Garden. In Bateel - a small coffee place around Bond street, which is dates heaven - the dry fruit! -  I even recorded a business promo video there. To get inspiration, I sometimes take a walk along the Thames, close to Festival Hall and the London Eye. Bustling with people and relaxing grand views. But my all-time favourite are Seven Dials and Soho because it feels like a small village.”

Does living in and working from the suburbs have the same attraction as in the centre? After all, the boroughs are like individual cities in their own right.

Not living in the heart of the city does have it pros and cons for Natalie. “This is the first role I've had since graduating that isn't in either Central London or London City. While it is ideal for me from a commuting point of view, I do love the buzz of London's busy streets and it certainly is a great place for ambitious individuals, as it's a big business city. I certainly don't miss having to take the Tube every day!”

As for Sílvia, she loves the suburban lifestyle.I live in Hither Green, not far from Greenwich and I’m spoiled for quirky, independent coffee shops, markets and wonderful parks. I love where I live and usually hang around tourist-free parts of Greater London. When I work, I prefer to do it in complete silence in the comfort of my own home, however in this line of work it’s easy to feel isolated. I find that going for a short walk in the park near my house really relieves those feelings of confinement and frustration, and it really gives me a fresh outlook and helps me to focus.”

But does Ana have second thoughts about London? “Sometimes I think that I would love to return to where I am from in Spain and live by the sea and just translate with the sound of the waves in the background but then I realise just how fortunate I am to live in such a dynamic, diverse city like London. I love getting out every now and then and work from a cosy coffee shop or any other corner of the city. Working on your own can be a bit (or a lot!) isolating so I think that this is good to break the routine and find inspiration.”

With a population of over 8 million people and such a strong base of translators, London must be fantastic for resources for translators, right?

Sílvia thinks so. “In London you can find quite a few free seminars, like the ones at the Language Show, which are great for people who are just starting out and don’t have a lot of money to invest in paid-for seminars or conferences. There are plenty of CPD opportunities, paid (and free) seminars and networking events. All you have to do is be proactive to find them. Most places have Wi-Fi so you can work on the move and there are plenty of libraries dotted around the city.”

Natalie brings up a good point. London is also home to a wide range of resources in human terms. “I think London is an ideal location for working translators, because not only are resources easily accessible, culture also plays a huge part in this city. There are so many people of different nationalities residing in London, that often if you get stuck, you can check something with a native speaker.”

Sílvia at the Greenwich Observatory, with the City in the background

Such a wealth of resources must make networking a breeze, then?

“There are regular networking events,” Ana points out. “The first one that springs to mind is Val's TweetUp that takes place monthly, as well as the ones organised by ProZ or the regional networks of the ITI. Last year, London also hosted IATPI's first international conference, which represented a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues from different countries.”

Sílvia goes into more detail. “As a translator you will find everything you need here regarding resources, events and most importantly, clients. The advantage of being in the same location as hundreds of multinational corporations and businesses means that I have regular work and a steady income and hopefully the more experience I get, the more I can expand my business. I find that being based in London really opened up some doors for me.”

It seems as if choosing a location like London can really help freelancers who are just starting out. Sílvia certainly thinks so. “In my first year I attended a couple of very helpful free seminars and I am now in the process of enrolling in a community interpretation course in order to diversify my business. There are definitely more opportunities here. London is home to business expositions (where you might find clients), courses, networking events, bookshops, libraries, universities, networking events and all kinds of interesting people. You just have to keep your eyes open.”

The nature of freelance translation means that translators are free to choose practically anywhere in the world to work from. Last week, we had quite a strong argument in favour of Berlin. Why should London win the fight?

The iconic Big Ben, also taken by Val
“I think it’s just the endless opportunities and the fact that you’re close to the action,” argues Val. “When I was in Devon I may have been the only Italian sim-cons interpreter down there, but... chances were scarce. In London I’m one too many, but if you market yourself well... you can find your own space. And even a niche in your local area by liaising with business in your neighbourhood for example. It’s like living in villages within a bigger city.”

Swapping the tranquillity of somewhere like Devon for the Big Smoke surely must have its drawbacks, though. Or are these outweighed by the bright lights of the big city?

“The only issue I can come up with is... space,” Val continues. “Flats are very small in the centre. The price to be central is well, high, but it works fine because mobility and being close to the Tube or where the companies are is everything in business these days.”

You don’t miss Italy then, Val? “When I lived in Genoa, it was a similar vibe - even if Genoa is much smaller but similarly busy. You do learn how to find your way around shortcuts and traffic when you need to be on time for lectures in at rush hour! In Elba, it was completely different: all could be done on foot or on a moped and the fantastically mild weather was simply perfect for a totally non-busy life. But that was waaaay back in my life and I was not working.”

Next week, Translators in the City will hop over to Iberia, with Sara Bueno Carrero (@buenocarrero), Herminia Páez Prado (@traducinando), Ana Rubio (@meowTRAD) and Lourdes Yagüe (@LYMtraductora) telling us what it's like to be a translator in Madrid.