Tina Muller |
In Part One, three freelance
translators told me why they studied for a Master’s in translation and never
looked back. We looked at whether the course was too heavily weighted in
theoretical elements, if the content is truly relevant in practice and how the
course helped get them to where they are today.
In this concluding part, three professional
translators without a postgraduate qualification talk to me about why they feel
a Master’s is not a prerequisite to get into translation.
Muller (@TinaSMuller) studied
Business Administration before proceeding to do a three-year translation and
interpreting course at a language institute in Germany that focussed on
translation between English and German. She is now a "state-certified
translator and interpreter" for the English language.
Lizzie Whiteley
(@ditto_languages) studied for a BA in Modern Foreign Languages (French and Italian) at
Bristol University and attended the prestigious School of Modern Languages for
Translations and Interpreters in Forli, Italy on her year abroad. She now co-runs
Languages in Cardiff.
Lizzie Whiteley |
Caroline Lakey
has a BSc Hons in International Management
and French from University of Bath, which included a 13-month placement in a
company in Paris. She also did a short translation course with University of
London Institute in Paris. She is now based in Mayenne, northwest France.
Let’s start with what we want to know
above all...
reasons are there for not wanting to pursue a Master’s in translation?
There were multiple
reasons identified for going straight into practising translation, but as far
as Caroline Lakey is concerned,
the two that stand out the most are practicality and value. “I can’t convince myself that I really need one enough to
justify the various sacrifices it would entail, both for me and for my family.
A discussion on ProZ (a
prominent translators’ forum) convinced
me that I wouldn’t be able to make the money/time back that the course would
cost me.
Caroline Lakey |
I was also put off by the fact that most Master’s courses require you
to translate in both directions, which is something I would clearly never do on
a professional level. Not to mention the fact that, if I’m honest, the theory
of translation bores me stupid!”
Some, if not most, translators don’t
always know that they want to go into translation, so unless they start their
Master’s more or less straight after their undergraduate degree, it may be
rather impractical in terms of finance, location, family circumstances, the
time required and, indeed, interest. Moreover, we must remember the value of
our Bachelor’s degree according to Caroline. “Without wishing to sound like a snob, my first degree is actually
fairly prestigious, so if I was going to put a Master’s behind it, I would want
it to be a top-level one, which means investing time and money, and
unfortunately I don’t have enough of either.”
This is a good
point. We should not forget that a language degree is very valuable, enhanced even
further by the year abroad, which provides the opportunity to apply everything
we have learnt since school. The year abroad give us the opportunity to
experience foreign cultures and integrate into different societies. But this
need not end once our Bachelor’s degree is over.
After Tina
Muller had finished her course, she wanted to see how translation was handled
in the real world, yet she still wished to experience the society of the
language she had studied. “Some of my
friends went on to do an MA, but I had had enough of theoretical studies. I was
also very eager to move to Britain for a while to immerse myself in the culture
and language (and I'm still here after almost 5 years!). So I moved to Britain
and after a couple of weeks I already landed a job as an in-house translator.”
Lizzie Whiteley felt the same. “After
I graduated I knew I wanted to return to Italy and break translation, but
finding a job from the UK proved difficult. I found out about the Leonardo Da
Vinci scheme, which puts students on a short language course and then finds
them a 3-month work placement. A translation agency in Florence took me on,
where I quickly learnt how a translation agency worked, and after 3 months they
offered me a permanent job.
While I did take
some short and distance-learning courses in translation and proofreading, for
me this first-hand commercial experience was invaluable and something that
could never be replaced with a Master’s. The route I took was also much less
costly, plus I was able to live abroad and refine my language skills at the
same time.”
In such a prestigious industry, it is vital to have a means to
enter this career for those who are not attracted to the idea of a postgraduate
course. Naturally, it would be unacceptable to practise as a translator without
any formal training, but fortunately this is largely recognised by those
without a Master’s, who proceed to acquire experience in relevant fields, such
as working in-house and studying on a short translation course.
can translators break into the industry without a Master’s?
One issue is being recognised by
clients as a professional translator without a postgraduate qualification, but Tina
has never encountered any problems. “I
have never been asked the question if I have an MA, nor has it ever hindered my
success to get the job I wanted.
worked in an agency as a project manager but only lasted 3 months there and
then I went freelance. I stayed on good terms with my previous employer, so I
started out as a freelancer with one client in the bag already. I marketed
myself to selected translation agencies and built up a client network
relatively swiftly. To this day I still work with most of those initial
clients, so I do not look for more very often.”
Caroline took more time to build up experience before going
freelance: “I had worked for 12 years in
bilingual corporate environments, translating and interpreting (albeit
informally) on a daily basis, before I went freelance. Also, having studied
business and worked in large companies, I perhaps had more of an idea how to
market myself than people with different experiences might.”
Our translators had clearly planned their transition to freelance
meticulously, after having learnt how to market themselves. As freelancers
know too well, work does not come flooding in automatically. Postgrad or not,
freelance translators must market themselves as much as any local business you
see in your town or city, certainly even more so without a physical presence
that a bakery or florist will have.
translators without a Master’s learn more through experience rather than
through additional qualification?
There is also the matter of the
quality of translations – do postgraduate translators produce better
translations? Tina is convinced that the route she took was the right one. “I don't think an MA would have done me any
harm, but I feel that my education at the language institute was so
comprehensive that there was no need to study further before starting out as a
professional translator. As with every other job, a translator learns most
things through experience and an MA cannot replace that.”
And Caroline completely agrees. “Without a doubt. I’m sure a Master’s gives
you an excellent theoretical knowledge of translation, but I’m not convinced
that it teaches you how to manage customer expectations and produce decent
translations under pressure with limited access to relevant information! At the
end of the day, I see myself running a translation business rather than “just”
producing translations.”
This is the most convincing argument,
as far as I’m concerned, about not studying for a Master’s in translation. The
objective of producing good-quality translations is a given. What many
unfamiliar with the translation industry don’t realise is that freelancers are
running a business. They are their own accountant, secretary, IT support, PA,
account manager, business development manager and project manager too, skills a
Master’s can’t provide, such that postgraduates are not ready to set off as
freelancers as soon as they graduate.
would our freelancers turn back the clock and take up a postgraduate course
Tina certainly wouldn’t. “I don't think that an MA, especially
straight after graduation, would have given me any more insight into the world
of translation nor can it replace any experience I've gathered in the field so
far. As a freelancer I also think very much in business terms: will it
literally pay off to do an MA? My clear answer to that is no. You will not be
able to achieve higher prices for your work than without an MA – I'd rather
invest in a course on how to market yourself as a freelance translator.”
Lizzie sees commercial experience as what made her a better
translator. “I don’t regret taking the
route I did, I’ve never been refused for a job because I don’t have a
Master’s. Now, when I recruit
translators, I look for many things, but would choose a translator with real
business experience in a particular specialist field over a translator with a
Master’s. In my experience this is what makes a well-rounded, more resourceful,
more punctual linguist.”
In many fields, qualifications are
reflected in a pay slip, but it seems that it doesn't work like that in
translation, and those without a Master’s would do well to invest the money typically
spent on an MA into technology and resources, and self-development and specialisation.
Is it better for a translator to have a Master’s or to have richer
practical experience? Unfortunately, the answer to this will always remain
subjective. We have seen compelling arguments from both sides, but it will
depend on personality. What’s important is that all six of our translators are
happy with the route they took.
Certainly, there is nothing to suggest that it is not worth
following a Master’s course at all. For those looking to break into the
industry but who perhaps lack direction, this is probably the best route. It provides
a solid theoretical base, with the benefit of receiving feedback on
translations from academic professionals, and empowers its holders with
confidence in their career.
Equally, there is nothing to indicate that
entering the industry directly is not appropriate. Our translators said they
have never experienced any hindrances without the Master’s. Most agencies
require a minimum 5 years’ experience in practising translation; this is
something that both postgraduates and non-postgraduates will face. What a
Master’s doesn’t give you is commercial experience, so crucially, it may be
tricky to find ones feet for postgraduates who wish to go freelance as soon as
they graduate.